Lunes, Enero 28, 2013

Lesson 9

" Teaching with Dramatized Experience"

   Dramatic is something that is stirring or affecting or moving. It holds the audience attention and we can feel emotion. So, if our teaching is dramatized the learners can relate, get attracted and interested. They can easily understand. Dramatized experience can range from the formal plays, pageants to less formal tableau, pantomime, puppets, and role playing.
   In plays depict life, they offer excellent opportunities to portray vividly important ideas about life.Pageants are usually community dreams that are based on local history, it presented by local actors. Pantomime and tableau are less demanding in terms of labor, time, and preparations. These are purely visual experience.So, when we say pantomime it is the art of conveying a story through bodily movements only while tableau is a picture like scene composed of people against a background. Puppets is use as an instructional device, the show can involves the entire group of students. and another dramatized experience is role playing. this is an unrehearsed, unprepared and spontaneous dramatization of a "let's pretend" situation where assigned participants are absorbed by their own roles in the situation described by the teacher.
  This lesson reminds me with my experience during my high school. Our teacher give us a task to make a story and we will present it by dramatizing. And I remember that my role in that drama is a mother and became crazy because of many problems. After we show I was awarded as a beast actress because of my role that fit me. Another example is during my Humanities,before we start discussing our lesson, our teacher Ma'am Fortech let us to show our individual talent. My talent is acting, I assumed that my mother died and I was really crying with a tears.
   So, through that dramatized experience I can relate, I can understand and it is interested to look and listen. Dramatized experience cater to students multiple intelligence.

Lunes, Enero 14, 2013

Lesson 8

" Teaching with Contrived Experience "

I have learned that  contrived experiences are the edited version of direct experiences which are use to substitute  for the real thing when it is not practical or not possible to bring in the classroom.

The contrived experiences varied in different types:
  • Model  -  reproduction of real thing in a small scale,or large scale,or exact size but made of synthetic materials
  • Mock up - an arrangement of real device or associated devises displayed in such a way that representation of reality is created.
  • Specimen- any individual or item considered of a group, class or whole
  • Objects- may also include artifacts displayed in a museum or objects displayed in exhibits
  • Simulation-  a representation of a manageable real event in which the learner is an active participant engaged in learning a behavior or in applying previous skills or knowledge.
Contrived experience is use to overcome limitations of space and time,to edit reality to focus on parts or a process of a system that intent to study, to overcome difficulties of size, to understand the inaccessible and help the learners understand abstraction. The teacher use simulations and games to make their class interactive and to develop the decision-making skills and knowledge construction skills of their  students.

Lesson 7

" Direct, Purposeful Experience and Beyond "

             I have learned that direct, purposeful experiences are the concrete experiences that make up the foundation of our learning.  These are the rich experiences that our senses bring from which we construct ideas, concepts, and generalization give meaning and order to our lives. They are sensory experiences.These direct experiences described  to be purposeful because these are not purely mechanical , not a matter of going through the motion  and merely sensory excitation, rather, they are experiences that are internalized in the sense that these experiences involve asking of question that have significance in the life of the person undergoing the direct experience.Direct purposeful experiences and beyond implies that  these direct experiences must not be end. That we must be brought to a higher plane or level of generalization and abstraction. I have learned that in the teaching -learning process,the teacher should give their students opportunities to learn by doing, let the students make use of real thing as instruction materials. The teacher should guide the students so that they can draw meaning from their firsthand experiences  and elevate their 
level of thinking.

As a student, I can apply my learning by exploring and experiencing everything by myself to heightened my  sensitivity to the world.

Lunes, Enero 7, 2013

Lesson 6


                   This lesson is more on how to use and evaluating the instructional materials. It is important to make an education work as a teacher teaching. If you do not know where you are going, you cannot properly choose a way to get that strategy. After being with different instructional materials through Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience, we must learn how to select and use these materials. So, in getting the instructional, let us read and study first on what we have using to preparing the discussion. It is one thing to select a good instructional material, it is another thing to use it well.
                 To ensure effective use of instructional material, Hayden Smith and Thomas Nagel, this people are the authors on Instructional media, advise us to abide by the acronym PPPF .
P-Prepare yourself
P-Prepare your student
P-Present the material
F-Follow up