Lunes, Pebrero 18, 2013

Lesson 11

 "Making the Most of Community Resources and Field Trips"

Field trips are the most exciting part of a lesson or class, or even the school year. The whole class takes a trip to a certain place to learn more about their lesson. As a teacher, so much preparations have to be made before conducting a field trip.

Planning should be done to avoid failure in the learning process. Contact people in charge of the locations to visit and make arrangements with them. The time and date should be given precisely as this will help them prepare the location. Transportation is also essential. You should make sure that it is safe to travel in such vehicle.
School principals should be informed about the trip and the arrangements made. Parents should also sign permission slips before the students are allowed to take the trip.
The route of the field trip should also be prepared. You can discuss this with the class for coordination.
You can also ask other teachers whether the schedule of the trip is fine with them. They might have scheduled a test prior to the planning of the trip.
A list of questions to be answered after the trip and information materials about the places to be visited will be helpful to the students.
Set objectives for the trip and write them down with the class.
Set rules to keep the students safe. Use the "buddy system" wherein students go in pairs so that they could look after each other.
Ask the students to take their own pictures or videos and notes to document the trip. A journal can also be made for each place visited.

Knowing the route means knowing what's to be seen on the way to the site and back. You can list down certain objects that can be seen along the way so the students won't just sit back and sleep in the bus. Give their eyes and interests something to feast on.
It is important that you inquire about dress codes in certain locations. Some places may have a "no shorts, no slippers" dress code. But nevertheless, ask the students to wear whatever is comfortable for them for walking and to bring extra clothes or shoes for special locations with strict dress codes.

Lunes, Pebrero 11, 2013

Lesson 10

                " Demonstration in Teaching"

      The use of Demonstration or doing method to teach skills. Demonstration, step by step the procedures in a job task, using the exact physical procedures if possible. While demonstrating, explain the reason for the significance of each step. To be effective, plan the demonstration so that you will be sure to show the steps in the proper sequence and to include the all steps.
       If you must give the demonstration before a large group or if the trainees might have trouble seeing because of the size of the equipment involved, use enlarge devices or training aids. When practical, allow students to repeat the procedures in a hands on practice session to reinforce the learning process. The direct demonstration approach is a very effective of method of instruction, especially when trainees have the opportunity to repeat the procedures.
       Demonstrations are an effective way to teach skills. Here are some guidelines to follow when making a demonstration.
  • Make sure you all have all necessary equipment and materials available.
  • Explain the purpose of the demonstration.
  • Be certain that all students have a clear view of the demonstration.
  • Focus students' attention on each step of the demonstration.
  • Explain the importance of each step.
  • Ask students questions at various points during the demonstration.
  • Keep the demonstration as short as possible to maintain attention.